Snoqualmie's First Summer Heatwave Predicted For This Week

It figures.  Summer wraps up.  The school year starts.  We stock up on school supplies and fall fashion and then BAM,  summer finally decides to kick in with some true summertime heat.  Then again,  the calendar still says it’s summer.  This year, though, summer seems to be happening backwards.  Or as some say, it didn’t happen at all.

According to weather forecasters, the first weeks of September may feature the longest stretch of 80+ degree weather we’ve seen all summer – lasting all the way until next Monday, September 12th.   That would be 10 days – breaking the record of 8 days of 80+ degree weather in September.  Local meteorologists say La Nina weather patterns (like this past winter) can produce dry, warm Septembers.  I guess we’re testing that theory.

The warm up began on Saturday.  The words “thermal trough” are even being dropped by the local weather guys.  Thermal troughs are what produce really hot weather around here.  The hottest days are forecast for Thursday through Saturday now.  Possibly hitting this summer’s elusive 90 degree mark in Seattle.  Tack on a few degrees for the inland Snoqualmie Valley.

Hot weather  just when you summer doubters thought it was safe to utter those famous words, ” You don’t need air conditioning in the Pacific Northwest.”  Admittedly, I have it and can’t wait for some overdue heat and a reason to flip the AC switch!  Or float around in my kids’ big, blue pop up pool, which has now been shocked, sanitized and the green stuff destroyed.  So don’t deflate your own pop up pools, put away your window fans or sprinklers and find your bathing suit – summer isn’t through with us just yet.   For the kids?   Maybe.  They’ll be in school sweating away.  Sorry kids!

Finally, some true summer weather.    I’ll take it and enjoy it.  Mother nature must be making up with Western Washington.  Enjoy the long-awaited summer weather.  Hopefully the wait was worth it!

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