The City of Snoqualmie announced this week – the week of April 8th – the new HAWK crossing signal at the intersection of Fisher Ave and Snoqualmie Parkway will become active.
The infrastructure work for the signal began last summer. The project was funded by a $175,000 Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) grant and $200,000 of developer traffic mitigation money awarded to the city over a decade ago.
The city didn’t say exactly what day the crossing signal would become operational. According to a press release, the pedestrian-activated flashing beacon is designed to increase safety for those crossing Snoqualmie Parkway from both sides of Fisher Avenue SE.
According to City of Snoqualmie Public Information Officer Joan Pliego, there will be traffic revision signs on both sides of the Parkway when the light goes active and the roadway will have a painted crosswalk.
How HAWK light works: The lights of the new signal remain off until activated by a pedestrian crossing the road. The pedestrian lights operate normally, displaying an upraised hand (don’t walk) signal during the time that vehicles have the right of way. When a pedestrian activates the signal by a push-button, the sequence begins, first with flashing yellow lights in both directions of the main road, then steady yellow, and finally steady red.
The Snoqualmie Police Department said it would helping with community education for the first couple of weeks while the new light goes active. SPD offered this advice via social media:
Lights Off: Proceed Normally
Flashing Yellow: A pedestrian has hit the button and is waiting to cross.
Solid Yellow: Drivers should be stopping, it’s about to go Red
Red: STOP! People are crossing the road.
Flashing Red: Drivers may proceed one at a time, if the crosswalk is clear
Light Off: Proceed Normally
Don’t Walk Signal: Don’t cross the road. Push the button, be safe.
Walk Signal: Cross the road, but use all due caution because cars Snoqualmie Parkway is a major road.
See YouTube video below about HAWK crossing signals.

I’m just curious. When does the Flashing Red light come on? The “How HAWK Lights Work” section didn’t mention anything about a flashing Red light. Other than Canada, and some very remote signals on country road intersections, I’ve never heard of a flashing red light.
Second, what are cars entering Snoqualmie Parkway from the adjoining neighborhoods/street supposed to do during these light cycles?
Third, when normal traffic lights are out and not otherwise functioning, the intersection is considered a four way stop for all traffic. Does this apply to the HAWK intersection as well? And how do drivers know when the HAWK is not functioning, or just waiting for a pedestrian to push the button?
Flashing red comes on about mid-way through the walk signal, once the pedestrian has had time to cross.
However, I’ve seen the HAWK signal put to use three times and cars do not move once the traffic signal turns flashing red. A temporary education sign should be posted on-site since driver intuition is to stay put until there’s no red light.