Snoqualmie Valley YMCA Moves Closer To Its January 2012 Grand Opening

Have you driven down Ridge Street in Snoqualmie lately?  If so, you can’t help but notice the new Snoqualmie Y/ Community Center has gone from construction chaos to the shell of its future building.  It’s becoming easier to envision that future – one coming your way early next year.

Since its June Groundbreaking Ceremony, immense progress has been made on the new YMCA/ Community Center.  The nearly 3 acre site was graded, new sidewalks installed,  a parking lot added, underground electrical and sewer work completed and the 13,000 sq ft building was completely framed, brick by brick.   This week, roof construction continues.   With the roof completed, interior work can begin; the part that often times gives a building its heart and soul.

Last spring the Snoqualmie Y received an $800,000 Youth Recreational Facilities Grant from the Washington State Department of Commerce.  This grant helped pay for the facility’s Teen Center.  Incorporating the new Teen Center into the building’s design added 1,217 square feet.  Wait.  You’re asking, why do we need a Teen Center?  Couldn’t they have used the grant money on a different component?  First, $800,000 is not enough for the pool many of you want;  and second, just visit the Ridge IGA grocery store during after school hours and you will see first hand why a Teen Center is greatly need here.  According to the last national census, 35% of Snoqualmie’s population is under the age of 18.  That stat speaks for itself.  Only so many kids can hang out at the IGA for so long.

The  new Snoqulamie Valley Y is on track to open January 2012.  For membership pricing visit:  Snoqualmie_Rates.  The Y begins hiring its part-time staff in late October/early November.  For information on those available jobs contact YMCA Careers.  For more specific programming questions please contact Milissa Morgan at  or Dave Mayer at

You can keep up with the latest Snoqualmie Valley Y/ Community Center construction developments and membership drive locations by liking their Facebook page or at

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  • Uhh…is there going to be a room for weights and exercise machines?

    When I look at the diagram, I see indoor hoops, teen facilities, wellness, and multipurpose rooms. Not sure if any of that will house exercise equipment.

    No pool either, huh?

    1. I know there will be an area for exercise equipment. I believe the equipment will be located in the wellness area. Sorry, no pool. Three separate bond attempts to add a pool and increase the facility’s size failed. Those bonds were in 2002, 2006 and 2008. After those failures a cooperative agreement was reached between the YMCA and City of Snoqualmie. Basically the city is building the community center with the almost $4 million it had set aside its construction and the Y is running it.

  • Hi Folks! I am happy to answer questions about the facility and membership. Please e-mail me at

    Bob- to answer your question/concern, the Heath & Well-being Center is the room where all of the cardio, free wights, & other exercise equipment will live, I’m happy to detail what equipment we will have if you have a specific request. As jd commented, sadly there is no pool in phase 1 due to lack of bonds back in 02′,06′ and 08′. To be continued though… We all have high hopes of a pool going in sometime in the future!

  • Living Snoqualmie