Over the past month, numerous school districts across Washington have walked out of the classroom in organized one-day strikes, a move designed to show state lawmakers it’s time to fully fund education as mandated by the state’s constitution.
Snoqualmie Valley teachers, though, have opted not to walk-out of the classrooms, stating the move “would negatively affect students and families.” Instead, teachers plan to march to demonstrate their displeasure with education funding and class size – AFTER school dismisses, Friday, May 15, 2015.
According to a letter sent to parents, SVSD teachers share the “same concerns with the State Legislature’s lack of action in developing a specific plan to fund basic education as mandated by the State Supreme Court. These concerns have been magnified in recent weeks, as the Legislature recently concluded their 105-day regular session without adopting an operating budget for the next two years; a lack of action that has negatively impacted all of us—students, teachers, districts, and communities.”
So Friday, May 15th from 1PM – 4PM, a march is planned along Snoqualmie Parkway, with a rally scheduled at Snoqualmie Community Park, 35016 SE Ridge Street, at 2:15PM, to tell the state it’s time to finally fully fund education – something the constitution requires and the State Supreme Court mandated with its McCleary Decision.
The SVEA teacher’s union has invited teachers, other school staff, district administrators, school board members, parents, students and community members to join the event.