Snoqualmie Valley School District Prepares For Late Summer Record Heat

It’s not very often you worry about stifling hot classrooms in September around the Snoqualmie Valley.   This summer hasn’t been a typical one, though.  It’s a summer that’s felt more like spring until last month.  And one that has NOT produced a single 90 degree day in the greater Seattle area.  That is (possibly) until now.

It’s been above 80 degrees since Saturday and that streak is expected to stretch into early next week.  By week’s end, temperatures should reach this summer’s elusive 90 degree mark.  With students one week into a new school year,  hot weather means a new type of parental “weather prep” before sending kids to school.  It’s time to remind your kids to ditch their coats and  make sure they are dressed light enough to handle the heat.

SVSD is prepping its administrative staff, teachers and students for the record heat forecast for Thursday and Friday.  High school students and parents rest assured, all of Mt. Si High School and its portables are air-conditioned.  At all other  elementary and middle schools, only the libraries, computer labs, all portables and office areas have air conditioning.

When it comes to hot classrooms, the district says its schools will take the same common sense steps those without air conditioning use in their own homes.  Carolyn Malcolm, SVSD Public Information Coordinator, says some of the ways our schools will respond when the weather heats up this week are “opening windows and doors in the morning for cool air flow, and then closing them in the afternoon (to keep hot air outside) and then circulating air with fans.  Teachers may keep lights off, pull blinds to block direct sunlight and use fans where available.”   Some classrooms get warmer than others depending on their location.  Those with more southern exposure need fans more than rooms in a cooler location.  Malcolm also says,  ” Teachers will encourage kids to stay hydrated by bringing water bottles or via water fountains, to seek shade when outside if they are getting hot and to dress appropriately – shorts and light, loose clothing.  Schools will also address these ideas with students and parents.  Some already have this morning in anticipation of this week’s predicted hot weather.”  Whether schools will adjust dress codes during this hot spell should be addressed with your child’s individual school.

One last important reminder for parents.  If possible, the district is asking us to put sunscreen on kids before school, as students are not allowed to bring sunscreen to school.  This helps ensure they have extra protection when out at recess.

Enjoy the summer weather.  Find the sunscreen and stock up on the water bottles!

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