Joining organizations and school districts around the region, this week the Snoqualmie Valley School District donated extra personal protective equipment (PPE) supplies to help with the ongoing novel coronavirus crisis.
SVSD said after assessing potential district personnel PPE needs, it contributed approximately 3,000 gloves and 1,100 N95 masks on April 1st.

As directed by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, the majority of the district’s PPE supplies were delivered to the Puget Sound Educational Service Districts, which is working with emergency services to distribute supplies where they are most needed across the state.
Additionally, SVSD said some supplies were also donated locally to the City of Snoqualmie.
District officials were especially grateful to its Operations Team for the effort taking inventory at all schools and then gathering the donations [mostly] from extra custodial resources.
Aahaar “an Indian Eatery” on Snoqualmie Ridge also got into the act this week, delivering 100 hot lunch boxes to Swedish Hospital in Issaquah to help feed healthcare workers. They said they will be doing the same for Snoqualmie Valley Hospital staff next.

And last week Rio Bravo in North Bend also got into the giving spirit, saying it used some community donations it had received to provide 2,000 burritos to Snoqualmie Valley Hospital staff members.
Rio Bravo owners said, “They’re the ones in the front lines and its the least we can do. It’s a team effort.”
If you know of other Snoqualmie Valley businesses giving back to frontline healthcare workers or other community organizations, drop us an email at so we can feature them in our next Giving Back installment