Snoqualmie Valley School District Introduces E-Meeting Tonight, March 29th, To Discuss Budget Cuts

At 7PM tonight, March 29th, The Snoqualmie Valley School District will host a special meeting to discuss its upcoming budget. Because of state budget cuts and not imposing a state-mandated 1.9% teacher pay cut this year, SVSD is preparing to trim next year’s budget.

Tonight’s meeting features a new format, the E-Meeting.  Responding to parents who say they have trouble attending traditional meetings, the E-Meeting gives residents the opportunity to attend via their computer in their own home.  Participants still need to register for the meeting online. According to Microsoft Live Meeting: “Upon entering the meeting, information about your presence will be accessible to other participants during the meeting.”

Budget is the focus of tonight’s special meeting.  From the district’s website: “Snoqualmie Valley Schools Superintendent Joel Aune and Director of Business Services Ryan Stokes will provide an update on the district’s budget planning process and the need for reducing expenses next year.  The presentation will include a legislative update on state funding, factors contributing to the local funding shortfall that will impact our schools, the process underway to evaluate options that remain, and a timeline of key dates this spring as planning is finalized.”

If you are interested in attending the E-Meeting and have thoughts and/or concerns to share, you can do that here.  If you would like to sign up to attend tonight’s E-Meeting, visit the SVSD website to get started.  You can also get more information and details regarding next year’s SVSD budget cuts here.

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