In a July 8th letter to families, Snoqualmie Valley School District Superintendent Rob Manahan announced the district’s Fall Reopening Plan.
[Read earlier story First Look at Snoqualmie Valley School District Preliminary Fall Reopening Plan]
According to the letter, the district is planning to utilize four learning models next fall, representing a range of options, combining remote online learning and in-person instruction.
Manahan explained, “The plan is based on current guidance from the state — from the Governor’s Office, the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) and Washington’s Department of Health — which encourages reopening schools, as much as possible, while also establishing safeguards at school to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Currently schools are required to support social distancing in classrooms (which reduces class sizes) and take other precautions to maintain a healthy learning environment.”
He added, “By limiting the number of students in school at the same time, these models enable our schools to adhere to the social distancing requirements, while also building in regular connections with students.”
SVSD’s Four Learning Models for Fall 2020
- Full-time In-Person Model (for Kindergarten through 2nd grades, plus some special programs such as Preschool, Transition Learning Center, Specialty/Life Skills) – The desire is for these groups to attend in-person full-time, 4-5* days a week. This model supports select groups of students for whom in-person instruction better suits their learning and developmental needs. (NOTE: SVSD still need to verify if this will be possible for all three grade levels: K, 1st and 2nd. The upcoming parent survey will help us quantify how many families will choose at-home learning, to know if our classroom capacities with social distancing can adequately serve in-person attendance.)
- Hybrid A/B Model (for grades 3 – 12) – Students will be designated into two groups (A & B, split alphabetically) with alternating schedules. Each group will attend 2 days on campus for in-person instruction and participate in at-home learning the remaining days each week. Group A will attend school in person Mondays and Thursdays, while Group B will attend in person Tuesdays and Fridays. The days they are not in class physically, students will engage in remote learning – learning independently at home. *Wednesday schedules are still to be determined. (See the graphic below for a weekly rotation plan.)
- Full-time Remote Learning Model (open to all grade levels) – the district understands some families may choose not to attend school in-person. Therefore, families will have the option to choose a 100% online learning option for the first semester. SVSD plans to support those students with a program similar to last spring, but with improvements focused on greater connections, engagement and best practices for remote learning. Staff will be designated to support the full-time remote learning and be provided with additional training for remote learning.
- Distance Learning 2.0 – The district is also preparing a contingency plan in the event that we must close schools again and initiate remote continuous learning for all. We are calling this Distance Learning 2.0 since we will leverage lessons learned from last spring to support a more effective educational program. This full-scale shift to remote learning for all students will be implemented if public health closes a school or the Governor again issues a “Stay Home” order, due to a surge in COVID infections. (NOTE: The three models above are options that families may choose; Distance Learning 2.0 is not a choice but rather SVSD’s emergency plan, if needed, for continuous learning during a closure.)
**Wednesday schedules are still to be determined as staff look at how best to use the time. These days could continue with the same hybrid type of schedule rotating groups on Wednesdays, or focus on groups of students for interventions with full remote learning for most. This time could also be used for professional development and teacher collaboration/planning, as well as additional disinfecting mid-week.
Special Education services will be determined by program. Services and therapy support will be determined by Individualized Education Program (IEP) teams.
Next week SVSD will launch a parent survey to determine the number of students wishing to do full-time remote learning and how many students will need bus transportation.
The district said it understands the challenges the reopening may present for parent work schedules and childcare – and hopes providing this high-level information now will help families plan ahead and make arrangements.
Read Superintendent Manahan’s full letter and see video message HERE.