It’s been a busy, productive week for Snoqualmie Valley Voters For Education (VVFE) volunteers. The enthusiasm is almost contagious. Volunteers can smell the finish line and regardless of the outcome they are determined to finish strong – and with a positive attitude.

Cliff Brown, VVFE Chairperson says, “Since this past October, when the Snoqualmie Valley School District Board of Directors approved the bond proposition to build a replacement middle school for Snoqualmie Middle School (which will become MSHS Freshman Campus in 2013), VVFE has worked to educate valley voters about the bond and sought support for it. To date, VVFE supporters have logged 900 volunteer hours. They’ve attended community meetings (PTSA, Rotary, Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis, Si View Parks and City Councils), coordinated election mailings, organized mass e-mailings, and orchestrated phone banks. 186 people have volunteered in some form – from sticking on mailing labels, to putting out campaign signs, to organizing individual community efforts. All 10 district schools have provided volunteers. It’s truly been a community effort.”
As the February 8th Special Election date quickly approaches, VVFE have kicked their campaign into high gear. This past Monday kicked off the “Remember to Vote” Phone Bank Campaign. Each district school devotes a night to calling registered valley voters with a reminder to mail in their ballots. The campaign runs through the night of February 7th.
Cascade View, Opstad, North Bend and Snoqualmie Elementary Schools all had successful phone bank nights this week. Together the schools made 1,700 phone calls and reached nearly 3,000 registered voters. Volunteers reminded people how important their voices are. They were not soliciting “yes” votes – they were simply reminding people to vote. Fall City Elementary, all three middle schools and MSHS have scheduled phone banks for the upcoming week. Check for volunteering opportunities.
With the phone banks, mailings and along side their strong social media campaign, VVFE hope to reach every valley voter – encouraging them to get that ballot in the mailbox by February 8th. Volunteers valley-wide are out in full force. The attitude is positive. The energy is high. And most importantly, the volunteer effort is united. Keep mailing in those ballots Snoqualmie Valley!
Writer touting herself… ballots filled out, signed, even stamps purchased… AND put in the mail! On a personal note, thank you to all the volunteers! I only write, you do the hard work.