Snoqualmie Valley School Bond Still Fails By Narrowest of Margins After Recount

King County Elections certified the recount of the failed Snoqualmie Valley School Bond this afternoon, March 8th.  Even with two new yes votes added to the final total, the school bond still failed by the slimmest margin.  The final recount result tallied the yes percentage at 59.998%.  The margin was so slim that even throwing out one no vote for unclear intent would have ultimately passed the bond.

Snoqualmie Valley School District officials have until this Friday to decide if the failed school bond will be on the upcoming King County April Special Election Ballot.  Friday, March 11th,  is the filing deadline for this April’s special election.  No word yet on the district’s decision.  Most likely this decision will be made at Thursday’s School Board Meeting.  Mark your calendars.  That’s this Thursday, March 10th, at the District Office – 7:30PM.  The SVSD District Office is located at 8001 Silva Ave SE in historic Snoqualmie.

If the school bond IS on the April ballot, that means campaigning starts now.  For all of you tired of this saga… I guess there is no rest for the weary.  Expect more election chatter, banter, signs, phone calls, etc.  Instead of the drama living one more day,  it will be living for many more days – right through winter and into spring!

For final recount results visit King County Elections.

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