Snoqualmie Valley School Bond Crunchtime Is Here! Get Those Ballots In The Mail!

This is it.  The February 8th Snoqualmie Valley School Bond Campaign final push.  New support signs have appeared on local business storefronts situated on busy corners.  Support signs are even popping up electronically on gas pumps thanks to Brad and Jennifer Oberlander of Gateway Gas and Deli on Snoqualmie Ridge.

It seems you cannot drive anywhere in the valley without encountering some form of school bond advertising.  Yet according to King County Elections only about 34% of us have mailed in our ballots so far.  Hopefully most of you are procrastinators and will dig your ballot out of that stack of envelopes today or tomorrow – and get it in the mail.  In case you forgot what it looks like here is a reminder.  LOOK TO THE RIGHT.  Now get moving.  Find it, a pen and a stamp.  If you can’t find your ballot call King County Elections at 206-296-VOTE. They will even EMAIL you a new ballot.

Valley Voters For Education fired up their phone banks again last week.  Volunteers from Chief Kanim, Twin Falls and Snoqualmie Middle Schools as well as Fall City Elementary School reached 1,900 registered voters and gently reminded them to return their ballots.  Mt. Si High School volunteers will man the phones for one last phone bank tonight, February 7th.  Again, thanks to hard-working volunteers.

Let’s  surpass our historical school bond voting turnout.  Is there anything wrong with pushing for 50% (or even more) instead of 35%?  It doesn’t seem that hard.  Remind your friends.  Remind your neighbors.  Remind your Facebook list.  Just remember to vote and have your voices heard Snoqualmie Valley!

Ballots must be postmarked by February 8th or in a King County Elections Drop Box by 8PM that night. For locations of 24 hour drop boxes visit

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