Snoqualmie Valley School Bond Attempting Comeback Of The Year

All you Snoqualmie Valley last minute voters might be proving me wrong.  A part of this writer thought this school bond election result was another done deal – into the loss column.  But with another 900 votes counted and added to the results this afternoon, the yes total jumped almost a whole percent to 59.62%.

As of last night 9,688 ballots had been received.  9,405 votes have been officially tallied.  There are 283 ballots still to count and the possibility of another couple hundred ballots trickling in this week.  This is not a done deal.  It is still an uphill battle – needing 70% of remaining ballots to be yes votes.  The point is – it’s not over.

Hats off to hard-working volunteers who got a record number of registered voters to mail in their ballots.  Could our school district actually reach 50% voter turnout?  Only time will tell.  Keep checking back!

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