In an age where it seems every waking moment is captured on camera and video, then shared online, I asked Living Snoqualmie readers to send in some of their favorite Snoqualmie Valley photos. I got some great ones and going forward will try to do a monthly post highlighting some of these photos.
So keep sending your pictures to – and you just might see your picture featured. And, of course, you will be given full credit. Enjoy the beauty.
Here are a couple of great New Year’s Eve sunrise photos. The first is from Jenni Barrett taken from Snoqualmie Parkway looking toward Mt. Si. The second is from Karen Robey.

This next photo was taken after recent Snoqualmie Valley snow, the week of December 17th. Rachel Krohn took this dramatic picture above Cascade View Elementary School.

And here are a couple of fun ones from down on the Snoqualmie Valley floor. Jackie Charbonneau captured her dog down on the fields behind the Mt. Si Golf Course on a recent sunny day. Derek Young took his photo on a recent, crisp (and freezing) morning at Meadowbrook Interpretive Farm. He titled the second photo, “Cold Harvest.”

And this last photo was taken by Manju Skekhar during the May 7th Super Moon rise over the Snoqualmie Valley. There were no enhancements to this photo other than some contrast level tweaking. Manju said, ” The super moon appears about 14% bigger than normal, and during its rise over the horizon, it looks even bigger and redder.”

Happy Sunday Snoqualmie Valley!