Snoqualmie Valley may see hottest weather of the year this weekend

[Article by Ryan Porter of Snoqualmie Weather ]

Mini-heatwave looks set to hit Western Washington Sunday with building high pressure expected to stoke up offshore flow.  Areas that could really heat up in this pattern are downslope of the Cascades, locally being the Snoqualmie Valley and Issaquah lowlands.  But really it will likely feel HOT most everywhere.

Snoqualmie Valley has reached 90 only once this summer (92° on Jul 27th) and there’s been a noticeable- below normal amount of 80’s. A few more than usual green-ish lawns around too.

So here’s what’s likely the next few days:

Friday – mid-70°s more sun earlier in day, but onshore flow continues to keep things relatively comfortable

Saturday – mid-80°’s as high pressure builds..

Sunday – low-mid 90°’s, but upper 90°’s if the offshore flow really kicks up.

At least this heat isn’t coming in June.  I personally dread when that happens as the sun is up almost two hours longer vs. mid-August and there’s still a lot of pollen floating around.

While the heat looks set to peak Sunday, it may continue into the beginning of the week.  The coast should offer some relief beginning Monday as the pattern resumes more onshore, but a bit of relief to the interior not likely to arrive until Tuesday. 

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