Snoqualmie Valley Macaroni Kid Honors North Bend Elementary Teacher As Its First Teacher Of The Month

Last year was a challenging for my youngest child.  An elementary school boundary change moved her away from the only school she’d ever known, as well as all her friends.  There was apprehension and many tears, but there was a special teacher that made her transition a little easier.  His name is Mr. Tepper.  He’s been North Bend Elementary School’s PE teacher for over 30 years.  His legacy includes the Panther Pride Unicycle Team and the NBE Jump Rope Team.

I was thrilled to learn Diana and Dana, owners of Snoqualmie Valley Macaroni Kid, started a Teacher of the Month program – and even happier to hear they honored Mr. Tepper as their first recipient.  His passion for exercise and helping valley children develop a love of exercise is amazing.  He has a special way of making kids feel they belong, especially through his unicycle and jump rope programs.   With these programs, every child has a chance to belong to a team.  Most importantly, Mr. Tepper made my child feel at home at a time when she needed it most.  I cannot thank him enough for that.

I asked the Diana what inspired the newsletter to start their Teacher of the Month program….

“The first days of autumn are here.  The familiar summer sounds of popsicle trucks and sprinklers, give way to the sounds of school buses and fallen leaves.  The season change means kids are back to school and parents are breathing a sigh of relief at a somewhat “back to normal” schedule.   

Autumn also brings with it the chance to attend curriculum night and meet the people who will teach our children over the next nine months.  These people, who start as strangers on day one, and become adored by the end of the school year, are teachers.

Education is very important to me.  Both of my parents were teachers.  I grew up surrounded by educators.  Today, many of my friends are teachers or are somehow involved with the education process, Dana included.  And, though I knew my calling would never be in education, I can’t help but be in awe of those who are.  These men and women give so much to our children year after year and ask for so little in return.

Macaroni Kid would like to help you honor the special teachers you know, by giving you the chance to nominate them for Teacher of the Month.  Each month, we will be giving one local teacher the extra kudos he/she deserves.  It’s time to give back to someone who gives so much to your child each and every day.

Thanks to Diana and Dana for starting the Teacher of the Month program.  You can nominate your favorite teacher here.  October’s winner will be announced mid-month so get those nominations in soon.  The winner will be announced on the Snoqualmie Valley Macaroni Kid website with a follow-up story here as well.

You can read Sno-Valley Star’s coverage of Macaroni Kids Teacher of the Month program here.

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