Forget the grocery store lines and searching for recipes this Turkey Day. For the first time, the Snoqualmie Valley Farmers Cooperative is selling Thanksgiving Boxes, offering local residents and Seattle-area residents alike an opportunity to easily serve the healthy and delicious bounty of the Snoqualmie Valley to holiday guests.
For $125, shoppers will receive a box delivered to their home, packed with nearly all of the ingredients needed to make seven side dishes and a pie, feeding six to eight people. Participants will receive fresh local cream, butter, flour, eggs, a variety of vegetables, and a loaf of crusty bread. The box will also contain recipes and a suggested timeline to make preparing a feast stress-free. Participants can also have a local, pastured turkey delivered with their box.
The Snoqualmie Valley Farmers Cooperative is an organization composed of about 20 local farms working together to provide fresh produce to the region. Member farms created the co-op so they could spend less time on logistics and more time growing food. In exchange, consumers get more diversity while supporting the whole local foodshed, not just one farm.
All member farms use responsible, environmental food production practices. During the summer, the co-op provides Community Supported Agriculture boxes to subscribers and also sells its produce to restaurants and institutions such as hospitals and schools.
To order a box, visit It will be delivered on the Monday or Tuesday before Thanksgiving. This is a great way to support local farms and farmers while simplifying holiday shopping.