Snoqualmie Valley Athletic Complex project delayed but not dead; sewer could soon be coming to western North Bend

After a long year and a half of trying to figure out a solution to meet sewer requirements for a large athletic complex planned along SR 202 on the western edge of North Bend, it looks like the local developers might finally be moving forward with phase one of their Snoqualmie Valley Athletic Complex project.

A proposed amendment to the original 2016 developer agreement (DA) between the City of North Bend and Snoqualmie Valley Athletic Association would allow for restrooms with an on-site septic vault system with the capability to connect to a new sewer system when it becomes available.

The project had been held up because the DA required the developer to secure a $2 million bond to ensure that sewer would be added even if phase 2 of the complex – when the bathrooms are scheduled to be constructed – didn’t happen.

Snoqualmie residents Wende and John Miller, who are building the complex, said as small developers they could not afford the expensive bond. So for the past several month Wende worked to get other nearby land owners to sign a ULID (Utility Local Improvement District) petition requesting the city build sewer lines to serve the area. The effort showed the majority of private land owners were in favor of the sewer connection; helped spur city land studies and sewer cost estimates; and the resulting Developer Agreement Amendment.

Interim City Administrator Mark Rigos said via email, “The City is more confident in 2019 that public sewer will be brought to this area through a Sewer ULID.  This is largely because of Wende’s actions of meeting with the community, the City’s consultant performing an conceptual engineering analysis and cost estimates for three different sewer systems, and the City’s consultant performing a benefit appraisal valuation.  The engineering study and appraisal study showed that the benefits created to those properties exceeds the costs of building sewer.  This was not formally known in 2015 or 2016.  Additionally, there is more interest from other landowners, especially commercial property owners, in having sewer built out there soon, so the City believes any septic vault would be short lived.”

According to Wende, their amendment made it through two city council committee meetings and is currently in a public comment period. She said the full council is expected to vote on it at the January 7th North Bend city council meeting.

Wende commented, “We’ve never given up on this project, but have had to overcome many nuances that were unforeseen, time consuming and complicated.”

With amendment approval, the Millers hope to finalize permits and deliver phase 1 of the athletic complex by September 2020.

Phase one will construct four combination outdoor, turfed soccer/baseball/lacrosse/football fields and the parking lot on the 11-acre property near NW 14th Street and Bendigo Blvd. Construction is estimated to take 4-5 months depending on weather conditions. During the second phase, the indoor, multi-purpose sports buildings will be constructed.

The proposed DA amendment requires the restroom facilities to be “constructed by October 31, 2021 in lieu of the Phase 2 sewer improvements or be obligated to fully construct all of Phase 2.” Until the permanent restrooms are built, the outdoor fields will be served by portable restrooms.

See Snoqualmie Valley Athletic Complex Renderings below:

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