On October 9th, Encompass received a grant of $10,000 from the Snoqualmie Indian Tribe to support the Encompass Mobile Therapy Unit (MTU), a 24-foot van outfitted to bring high-tech pediatric and family therapy to underserved areas.
The MTU is the first of its kind in the state of Washington. It was upfitted by Cascadia Vans last winter to contain a Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) lab with a walled-off play area, a one-way mirror, and a therapist station
with computer and audiovisual equipment. The PCIT lab doubles as a therapy office to provide mental health, speech, and other therapy.
The MTU was unveiled at the Encompass Rise & Thrive Breakfast in April 2017 and started seeing clients in September at the Sammamish Community YMCA. Encompass is partnering with the Sammamish YMCA to bring our pediatric therapy and PCIT services to the Sammamish Plateau area, so the MTU will be there every Wednesday. The next location Encompass is working to reach with the MTU will be Carnation and Duvall later in October.
Through their charitable donations, the Snoqualmie Indian Tribe strives to support organizations that exhibit Tribal values. The Tribe has donated more than $5 million within Washington State since 2010.
“Encompass strives to eliminate barriers that keep children from our vital programs,” said Encompass Executive Director, Nela Cumming. “The MTU removes location as a barrier for many families who cannot make the journey to our lab in North Bend ensuring that more children and families receive the help they need. We are grateful to the Snoqualmie Tribe for their efforts to help our community be one in which all children thrive.”

Love it. Another great thing the tribe is doing that proves our Mayor has a hard time telling the truth about the tribes contribution to our community. I also donate my services to Encompass.