Snoqualmie, Stevens, White & Blewett Passes Unlikely to Open Until Sunday

According to the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), I-90 closed Wednesday at 11:30 PM due to avalanche danger and hazardous conditions.

Because of the conditions and amount of work needed to safely re-open, our passes will likely remain closed until Sunday.

Conditions are too dangerous for crews to be in the pass areas. Snow & debris continue to slide onto the highways. Crews are working in areas where it is safe to plow, clear catch basins and do other work to have those areas ready when they can re-open

More snow and possibly rain are in the forecast for the passes tonight. This incoming weather will only increase the avalanche danger. If it is safe to do so, crews will spend all day Friday addressing avalanche issues to create a safe work zone.

Once avalanche work is done, WSDOT crews will spend Saturday clearing the areas, including plowing and treating roads, removing snow/ice from signs, clearing trees & debris from the road and clearing catch basins for drainage.

In the lowlands, heavy rain in several areas of the state will increase flood & washout danger. Several rivers are under advisories with risks to increase as snowmelt continues. There is a danger of downed trees due to saturated soil, heavy snow & rain.

Photo Credit: Snoqualmie Pass Twitter

WSDOT recognizes the importance of these corridors, but nothing is more important than the safety of WSDOT crews and the public. They are prepared to move in once it is safe and appreciate your patience during this challenging situation.

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  • Large snow falls followed by rain on snow events are not new, however, has Snoqualmie Pass ever been closed for this long before? Interested if anyone has any data on closure duration correlated with actual weather events.

    1. I don’t have any data for in the past but I can ask around. I know someone who works up there and it is not about worker shortage but more about the avalanche issues and standing water that are causing this long closure.

  • Thanks. We worked with WSDOT over the last decade monitoring the new “cliff” when they widened I90 alongside the lake, replacing the snowshed, and was also wondering if that had helped.

  • Living Snoqualmie