Snoqualmie School Bond Inches Upward With Latest Results – Down By Only 26 Votes

** 2/15/2011 Election Update:  With about 35 more votes added to result total, the YES percentage is up to 59.78%.  9,835 votes have been counted.  The school bond is now within 22 votes of reaching the needed 60% super-majority.  Reconciled challenged ballots will probably be added to the final result near the  2/22/2011 deadline.**


Another 48 votes were counted and added to the Snoqualmie School Bond election result today, February 14th.  With 9,788 out of a received 9,806 ballots counted and tallied, the YES total stands at 59.74%.  That is up slightly from Friday’s 59.7% result.

There is still the possibility of a few more mail ballots trickling in early this week, but it looks like the final result hinges on the election’s challenged ballots.  Historically, SVSD bonds have 200 – 300 challenged votes – mostly due to signature issues.  This election is no different.

The final result depends on how many challenged ballots are reconciled by each voter – and if 26 more of those ballots are YES than NO.  Voters have until February 22nd to file the needed paperwork to have their vote added to the final total.   The election will be certified by King County on February 23rd.  Recounts can be requested once results are certified.  The requesting party is required to fund the recount.  If a recount falls in their favor, the requesting party is reimbursed by the county.  There is no word if SVSD will request a recount if the 60% super-majority is not reached.

This one will definitely go down to the wire – and possibly longer.  For updated election results visit  You can also check back here for daily updates.

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