The City of Snoqualmie released a press release on Tuesday, August, 15, 2017 stating the city council had rejected a new land annexation proposal that would’ve paved the way for a 800-home active adult community on land located between Snoqualmie Ridge, historic downtown and the Snoqualmie Casino.
The city council voted unanimously, 7-0, against a developer’s letter of intent to petition for a proposed annexation of Snoqualmie Hills West, which is in the City’s Urban Growth Area (UGA).
Per the press release:
Following three public meetings that included developer presentations, questions from City Council members and many opportunities for public comment, Mayor Matt Larson and the administration raised several concerns about moving toward a potential annexation at this time.
Those concerns included uncertainty about water and sewer capacity, multiple development projects already underway that require significant staff resources, and the community’s need for time to absorb current development projects.
The city stated that if the developer were to decide to submit another letter of intent at some point in the future, the administration has further concerns about zoning, traffic impacts on Snoqualmie Parkway, unknown impact on adjacent land owned by the Snoqualmie Tribe and private landowners.
The release further added other concerns including, “the undefined number of residential properties within the annexation area, housing affordability within the development, and under-development of commercial offerings to support the need for jobs to housing balance.”
Mayor Larson said, “This process of gathering extensive public comment from those with differing opinions showed our community working at its best. Snoqualmie has active and engaged residents and business owners who take the time to do their research and offer informed and thoughtful opinions.”

Mayor Larson said, “This process of gathering extensive public comment from those with differing opinions showed our community working at its best. Snoqualmie has active and engaged residents and business owners who take the time to do their research and offer informed and thoughtful opinions.”
Except when the hotel was involved and the public wasn’t informed as required, and the City Ok’d the project anyway – regardless of the impact and how bad it will look.
Because the hotel was always in the master plan so sit down.
The Mixed Use Final Plan actually had to be amended in 2017 to add the word “hotel” as an allowable use in this business park. (This is per the MUFP Business Park Amendments signed and dated 1/27/17.) The City did not inform residents living within 500 feet of the hotel regarding this project, as per City Code. The City Council was informed no less than 15 times of the failure to inform residents as per the City Code and still voted unanimously for it. The Planning Commission’s recommendations were also ignored. A mid-budget hotel is definitely needed in Snoqualmie; however, disregarding the community input is not okay.
Michelle, please correct me if I’m wrong but I was always under the impression that the hotel in the master plan would be closer to I-90 and would be of more of a smaller boutique. Not a large big box smack in the middle of the ridge, across the street from people’s homes! The city and Matt Larson certainly failed big time. Although it sounds like you’re okay with the hotel and all the drunk casino traffic that will come along with it, I’d like to make the assumption that most of us would prefer to have seen this hotel built on the city owned land next to I-90 (former home of the RV camp ground) or similar location instead. How many Hampton Inns and/ or similar hotels have you seen right in the middle of a neighborhood like this before? They’re usually always next to freeways and for good reason.
The city doesn’t own the land next to I-90 (former leisure time campground), the hospital district does. The city did try to get this unincorporated King County land near I-90 added to its UGA numerous times, but the county said no each time – stating that the city city had ample room within the business park area to add other amenities like a hotel, more grocery stores, etc. Unless all this land gets added to the city’s UGA, the zoning can’t be changed to allow hotel, stores, etc. Right now the KC land zoning won’t allow for such businesses there. I believe all the land parcels in this area near I-90 in unincorporated King County have rural/RA5 zoning – which means one home is allowed on each 5-acre parcel.
Danna, as other have said, the land next to the hospital would not have only been appropriate, but ideal. This is the land choice that other towns like ours would have made – near the freeway. In the middle of town, this hotel takes up room for businesses that might have actually been useful to residents. I doubt I will ever set foot in the hotel… I have no reason to.
I am proud of the City Council for listening to and acting on behalf of the residents of Snoqualmie on the annexation. I managed to make it to one of the council meetings on the subject and it was clear that there were many concerns about the group proposing the annexation and their tactics and the impact to the environment and traffic. Thank you for saying no to the annexation!
No wonder downtown Snoqualmie looks like a disaster zone instead of a vibrant small town. Hopefully in the next few years we can replace most of the current city council members with people who understand how to plan for growth and how rare it is for a developer to invest this much effort into a project that fits the changing demographics and needs of the greater community and region. Who needs housing for seniors right? I guess they are fine catering to a few old farts and a bunch of NIBMY escapees from the city.