Snoqualmie River flooding update for Monday, January 17th:
Rain continued overnight which forced the swollen Snoqualmie River to continue rising – along with several feeder streams and creeks due to rain water
runoff. Near the Falls, the river is expected to crest at 39,200cfs around 10AM – slightly higher than December’s flood flow levels of 38,000cfs. The pressure on the river in Carnation is more severe. Here the river has been cresting and receding with each break in this weekend’s rain. Last night’s rain and stream runoff is sending the river to a flood stage of 59ft later this morning. 54ft is flood stage for the Snoqualmie River at Carnation. Major flooding is occurring in the lower Snoqulamie Valley. Rain is expected to taper off today allowing rivers and streams to slowly recede.
As of last night areas of Highways 202 and 203 were closed due to water of the roadway –
from Fall City through Carnation and into Duvall. Also closed were numerous roads and side streets along the lower Snoqualme and Tolt Rivers. Main roads through historic Snoqualmie remain open. 415th Way SE between SE 131st St and SE 142nd St (Uplands Way) and Meadowbrook Bridge are closed due to flooding.
For real-time road closure information visit This link is also available here under “Useful Snoqualmie Links.”