Snoqualmie Police Launch Safe Rider Program to Reward Helmet-Wearing Youth with Ice Cream

On July 24, 2024, the Snoqualmie Police Department, in collaboration with Eastside Fire and Rescue Station 87 and the Snoqualmie Fire Department, introduced the Safe Rider Citation Program.

This program aims to encourage local youth to prioritize safety by wearing helmets while riding bikes and scooters. Children observed riding safely will receive a coupon for a free scoop of ice cream.

Sponsored by Snoqualmie Ice Cream and Friends & Co. Ice Cream, the program allows public safety professionals to commend Snoqualmie and North Bend kids for their safe behavior.

Officers from the Snoqualmie Police Department, alongside firefighters from Snoqualmie and Eastside Fire and Rescue, will distribute Safe Rider coupons, redeemable at Snoqualmie Ice Cream or Friends & Co. Ice Cream in North Bend, through August 31, 2024.

“We want to positively reinforce safe choices when our local youth are out and about on their bikes and scooters,” said Snoqualmie Police Chief Brian Lynch. “The program’s goal is to spark conversation and public education about the important role helmets play in preventing unnecessary head injuries.”

Children are encouraged to wear their helmets with the chin strap securely fastened and to watch for officers who may reward them with a Safe Rider citation for making the smart choice to ride safely.

[Information provided by the City of Snoqualmie]

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  • I don’t know if there is still anyone in the SPD who recalls I always used to donate a keg of Snoqualmie root beer for the bike rodeo! It was a big hit!

  • Living Snoqualmie