On Monday, May 11, 2015, at the Snoqualmie City Council meeting, the newest member of the Snoqualmie Police Department took the oath of office and was sworn in – Officer Christopher Patterson.
Officer Patterson’s hiring was made possible when North Bend residents overwhelmingly passed a Public Safety Proposition in November 2014 that increased the city’s sales tax by 0.1%.
The new sales tax revenue allowed the City of North Bend to hire an additional (8th) police officer for the remainder of its police service contract with the Snoqualmie Police Department.
With the hiring of Officer Patterson, North Bend now has two police officers on duty 18 hours per day.
Officer Patterson formerly served in the Oroville Police Department in North Central Washington near the Canadian border, where he started as an officer in 2005.
Patterson was born in Spokane, graduated from John R. Rogers High School and received his Law Enforcement Degree from Spokane Community College. He and his wife, Debbie, have a 9-year old daughter and a 2-year old foster baby.
Welcome Officer Patterson.