Snoqualmie Parkway Paving Traffic Control Contractor Addresses Complaints, Implements Changes

On Tuesday, August 8th, 2023, the City of Snoqualmie received numerous complaints from residents regarding traffic control associated with the repaving of Snoqualmie Parkway. Similar complaints received the previous week triggered City feedback to the contractor and resulted in improvement actions. 

Immediately following the August 8th complaints, the city contacted the Snoqualmie Parkway Rehabilitation Project Contractor, Icon, and Project Management Contractor, Parametrix, who provided this additional feedback to Traffic Control Subcontractor, Seattle’s Finest. 

A meeting was held on the morning of August 9th with all project contractors and City staff to address traffic control issues and needed changes to improve traffic flow and decrease delays on Snoqualmie Parkway. 

Statement from Raleigh Evans, President and Co-Owner of Seattle’s Finest Security & Traffic Control, LLC:

On Tuesday, my management staff and I were made aware of several issues at the ongoing paving project, specifically at Douglas and Swenson. We are providing some of the traffic control for this project, specifically the Uniformed Police Officers (UPOs) conducting traffic control. Although not all of the issues brought to our attention are within our control, the complaint about the inattention by our personnel directing traffic on-site most certainly falls on us. We found that two of our personnel were not following the direction they had been given and were not handling their duties appropriately. That issue has been addressed by their permanent removal and replacement on-site.

We take our name and our duty to the community to conduct traffic control operations safely and expeditiously, seriously. We are working to make any and all necessary corrections. In addition, we met Wednesday morning with the construction contractor and all involved parties to attempt to address and correct all of the concerns that were brought to us and attempt to lessen the negative traffic impacts on the community. We are working hard to ensure that we make all necessary adjustments to minimize the traffic impacts to the community for the remainder of this project.

When Snoqualmie Parkway paving resumes on Monday, August 14th, traffic controllers will more attentively control intersections and work to coordinate traffic flow at intersections to move vehicles along Snoqualmie Parkway in a more efficient manner and reduce delays. The city has explicitly requested that traffic controllers not use cell phones in intersections. Additional roadway communication (cones, signage, etc.) will also be used to help drivers better navigate lane shifts and closures. 

Delays are inevitable in a project of this size on a heavily used main arterial roadway like Snoqualmie Parkway. The city continues to encourage drivers to plan for extra travel time during paving work, Monday – Thursday, from 7 am to 5:30 pm. The longest delays to date have been observed during peak afternoon commute times – most notably after 3 pm – when regional commuters also utilize Snoqualmie Parkway to access I-90, SR 18, and SR 202. 

The grinding and paving portion of the Snoqualmie Parkway Rehabilitation Project is estimated to be completed at the end of August. 

The city appreciates residents’ patience and understanding while completing this critical roadway improvement project.

[Information provided by the City of Snoqualmie]

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