There are certain back to school traditions in our house. We found ourselves seemingly “cramming” them in this year. I guess that’s what happens when school starts on August 30th – only two weeks after a hectic summer baseball season and our Disneyland vacation ended. I don’t know about you, but it takes me a couple of weeks post-vacation to feel normal again. Then again, I travel with 4 kids and vacations (no matter how fun) take work.
We managed to conquer the back to school supply list last week. I tried Target. I lasted 20 minutes with what seemed like all of Issaquah’s screaming kids and then ran for the peace of Staples. We also managed to get everyone a couple new outfits and almost everyone a new pair of shoes. Luckily some shoes from last year still fit or I would be running out shoe shopping this morning.
My most special back to school tradition is “mom notes” in my kids’ lunch boxes on the first day of school. Notes where I tell them how amazing they are and

to have a fabulous first day of school. After returning from the middle and high school drop-off this morning, I realized I had forgotten the expected notes. We were organized. Lunches were made the night before. Pictures on the front porch were taken. We left close to on time. Yet I forgot the most special part of all. Luckily I could send my freshman a text. So I sent that special note in text form. Unfortunately, cell phones stay off during the day at the middle school. My son will get a second day of school lunch note.
The final proof that the school year started too early (and maybe the curse of the 4th child) happened in the halls of North Bend Elementary. I walked my daughter to her classroom, kissed her goodbye and sent her inside when my husband asked, “Did you take a picture of her?” Horror. I forgot take a picture of my baby on the first day of school. Was I scarring her? Did she even notice? Luckily my husband saved the day. He pulled out his cell phone in her classroom door and snapped a picture of her at her desk. “There’s your picture,” he said. Problem (somewhat) solved. The cell phone saved the day again. The guilt still lingers, though.
Happy First Day of School Snoqualmie Valley. For me, this seemed like the shortest summer ever – including short on the summer weather. Maybe with one more week of summer vacation I would have remembered everything this morning. Who knows.
And yes, I miss my kids…