A space that was once an outdoor courtyard, often times under-utilized, is now the newest part of the Snoqualmie Middle School (SMS) building. Well, at least for five months, after which the new space will become part of Mount Si High School’s Freshman Campus slated to open in Fall 2013.
Work to cover Snoqualmie Middle School’s large, outside center courtyard, creating useable interior school space, began last summer. The project cost about $2 million and was paid for with 2009 school bond funds.
SMS student’s had been kept in the dark about the project’s progress for most of the school year, with the windows facing the courtyard covered.
But the window coverings were removed and SMS students can now see first-hand what all those construction workers on campus helped create.
Today, January 25, 2012, ASB members from each Snoqualmie Middle School class performed a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new courtyard, welcoming classmates to the schools’ new addition during their after lunch free time.
Tonight’s school dance will also christen the new courtyard and in the future, school concerts might also be held in the space. SMS Band and Choir Teacher, Mr. Ray, commented that the courtyard’s high ceiling has good reverb.
The courtyard is completely wired for multiple types of media including a big screen, spot lights, speakers and sound system. The SMS ASB even purchased a new air hockey, foosball, basketball game for student use in the new addition. There are currently 16 ottomans for seating, with 16 more ordered, and bistro style tables and stools are coming soon.
Ms. Logan, SMS 7th grade reading teacher, has one of the first reservations for the new space. She will use the new courtyard to show her students’ video projects and then host an Oscar-style presentation for them.