Snoqualmie Melting Away Evidence Of Blizzard-Like Overnight Storm

You had to be wearing earplugs to not know what was going on in the Snoqualmie weather department last night.  Heavy snow coupled by strong east winds created almost blizzard-like conditions overnight – and a snow day for SVSD students today.

It’s hard to know exactly how much snow fell in Snoqualmie last night – probably about 4-5 inches?  Strong east winds swirled up snow as it hit the ground for much of the night.  Heavy snow and wind gusts close to 50mph were reported by numerous local weather stations – reported on

Morning light brought rain, visible snow drifts and much warmer temperatures.  City snow plows and sanding trucks worked hard overnight and today clearing sloppy, wet snow.   If there is one thing our city does well, it’s plowing roads!

Snoqualmie was officially a slushy, sloppy, messy place today.  Twelve hours after the snow turned to rain,  streets, sidewalks and parks remain covered in snow – despite the efforts of rain and temperatures in the mid 40’s.

As all of these photos were taken at 4PM today, I will assume  it will be days before all the evidence of our short-lived January snow storm is melted away!

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Living Snoqualmie