The City of Snoqualmie said Monday, March 23, 2020 that Mayor Matt Larson had tested positive for COVID-19. He was tested at Snoqualmie Valley Hospital on March 16th after showing symptoms of the illness – including a fever and cough – on March 13th. On March 22nd, he received positive test results. Larson is in his 50’s.

According to the city, after ten days in self-isolation at his home, he is recovering and will continue to self-isolate until all symptoms have passed. His family self-isolated as well.
Larson said his symptoms have been fairly mild overall – mostly fatigue. He explained, “It’s just the sheer unremitting length of it that wears you down. I’m on day 10 and still have an occasional temperature.”
He is following Center for Disease Control & Prevention guidelines and direction from his physician for full protection of the community and all city employees.
The city said although Mayor Larson was not at work when his symptoms first occurred, City Hall will undergo a deep disinfection.
“I do not know anyone with COVID-19 and do not know where I contracted the illness,” stated Mayor Larson. “My positive test results underscore that this is an invisible threat. I cannot stress enough the importance of our community sheltering at home at this time.”
“I am fortunate to be healthy and have staved off the serious repercussions that could have required hospitalization, but many have a higher-risk of becoming more seriously ill. There are many youth in the community who are not practicing social distancing and gathering in large groups putting vulnerable populations at risk. I implore parents to explain the risks to their kids – both for themselves and others – and keep them home until the public health agencies deem the risk has decreased.”
Following health protocols, Mayor Larson and all members of his household will follow the physician’s order prior to coming out of quarantine.
“The city administration, City Council, and city staff need to take the utmost protection for themselves and their families, as well as the residents they serve in Snoqualmie,” said Mayor Larson. “City Hall employees and all non-essential city staff are scheduled to begin telecommuting on March 23rd. We have closed the playgrounds due to the challenge of disinfecting every surface and to encourage social distancing. This week we will be evaluating further measures to keep our citizens and city employees safe.”
The most important thing people can do to prevent COVID-19 is to wash hands thoroughly and often. Social distancing is important. Staying at home to slow down the spread of the virus from unidentified carriers is critical and should be taken seriously.
Guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention about what to do if you are sick:
Stay home except to get medical care.
- People who are mildly ill with COVID-19 can recover at home. Do not leave except to get medical care. Do not visit public areas.
- Stay in touch with your doctor. Call before you get medical care. Be sure to get care if you feel worse or you think it is an emergency.
- Avoid public transportation, ridesharing, taxis, Ubers, or Lyfts.
Separate yourself from other people in your home.
- Stay away from others. As much as possible, you should stay in a specific “sick room” and away from other people in your home. Use a separate bathroom, if available.
- Monitor your symptoms. If your illness is worsening (for example, if you have difficulty breathing), seek medical attention, but call first and wear a mask.
Call ahead before visiting your doctor.
- If you have a medical appointment, call your doctor’s office or emergency department and tell them you have or may have COVID-19. This will help the office staff protect themselves and other patients.
- Wear a face mask when you are around other people and before you enter a healthcare provider’s office
A public hotline has been set up by the Department of Health for individuals seeking information about their personal situation: 1-800-525-0127.