You might not realize it, but there are things the annual Snoqualmie Firefighter’s Pancake Breakfast helps fund – from backpacks for students, to helping local food bank, to funding college scholarships for local SVSD graduates.
So if you stop by the station on Saturday, August 19th during Railroad Days to fill up on pancakes, know that your small breakfast donation is actually having yearlong community impact.
One of those community impacts happened recently, when the Snoqualmie Firefighters Association (SFFA) awarded scholarships to three members of the Mount Si High School Class of 2017. The recipients include:
- Graysen Kaess
- Jake Bailey
- Thomas Schuett
The scholarship program has been in existence for several years and allows the firefighters association to provide financial assistance to local college-bound students who intend to pursue a degree in the fields of fire science, medicine/medical related, police/criminal justice.
“It’s with great pride that we award the 2017 scholarships to Graysen, Jake and Thomas. We wish them much success as they take the next steps in their journeys” stated Steve Stockman, SFFA Treasurer/Chair, SFFA Scholarship committee.
The Snoqualmie Firefighters Association is a non-profit organization that represents firefighters and EMTs at the Snoqualmie Fire Department. Funds are raised from various activities – including the annual pancake breakfast – and are then distributed back into the community through a variety of programs.
“We would also like to express our gratitude for the continued support the association receives from the Snoqualmie Community, which makes these scholarships possible. We would also like to recognize Swedish Hospital for their generous contribution to the 2017 scholarship program”, stated Paul Marrero, SFFA President.