When low-flying helicopters start circling the Snoqualmie Valley two things usually come to mind – the river and the mountains.
On February 1, 2013, it was the Snoqualmie River that sent those helicopters to the sky. A woman slipped, fell into the Snoqualmie River while trying to cross it. After being swept downstream, her backpack became stuck on an exposed log, essentially capturing her in the freezing river.
As witness and fisherman, Justin Rose described it, it was an off-duty fireman who helped save the trapped woman when he shimmied out on a log and helped hold her above water until more help arrived.

On Monday, March 25, 2013, that Snoqualmie firefighter, Brian Busby, was commended for the February 1st rescue of that woman from the Snoqualmie River, being presented with a medal of valor.
According to a city press release, “It appears certain the woman would have drowned were it not for Busby’s quick decision to reach the victim and keep her head above water until additional help arrived. King County Sheriffs provided timely and crucial assistance, enabling Fire Fighter Busby to hold the victim until additional rescue crews arrived.
“We have a saying,” says Busby. “’You risk a little to save a little; you risk a lot to save a lot.’ And to me, that gal hanging there was a lot.”
Congratulations, Brian!