Snoqualmie Deer Park Neighborhood Setting For Daylight Break-In Today, March 16th

Around 9AM this morning, March 16th, a home in the Deer Park neighborhood of Snoqualmie Ridge was the victim of a daylight burglary.  The thief broke the back sliding glass door, entered the home and stole electronics.

This victim was gone from the home for approximately 1 1/2 hours.  There was  also a dog home at the time of the robbery.  No tracks were found on nearby trails.  Police contacted neighbors to see if anyone noticed suspicious cars in the neighborhood.  The absence of tracks in the rear of the home has police investigating if robbers are observing homes and breaking in when the occupants leave the home.

Residents should contact police if they observe unfamiliar cars in neighborhoods for extended periods of time – and lock doors.  Snoqualmie Police can be reached on their non-emergency line at 425-888-3333.

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  • Thank you for this post – I had NO idea this happened in our neighborhood today!!

    1. I know. I was shocked when the police knocked at our door. My neighbor must be so shaken up!

  • Some of my neighbors in the Heights found footprints in the snow behind their houses earlier in the week. It was reported to the police.

    I don’t want to draw more attention to the house so no address needed- but it would be interesting to know if it is on a greenbelt or easy place to watch activity in the house and break in from the back unnoticed.

    1. Yes, Chris, this house as many in Deer Park are on a green-belt and secluded. From this perspective it would easy to see why it would make a target. Those with similar houses should be aware – not trying to create panic, just an awareness. Many Deer Park homes also back to city trails.

  • Our incident was also with houses on a greenbelt. No public trails near though (just natural deer/wildlife trails).

  • This article says they stole electronics. Most electronics are too big to carry through woods by hand without looking suspicious.
    More individuals from the neighborhood should be reporting ‘all’ suspicious people and vehicles, especially unmarked vans/trucks and unwanted solicitors. The local police should be prepared for calls like these, it is part of thier budget. It is one’s duty, as a neighbor, to report things that don’t look right. This makes me very upset even though I don’t live close.

  • Living Snoqualmie