Snoqualmie Community Invited to Special Capital Improvement Plan Open House, June 9th

The community is invited to an in-person Capital Improvement Plan Open House on Thursday, June 9, 2022, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. in Snoqualmie City Hall Council Chambers, 38624 SE River Street.

This Open House will showcase projects included in the Mayor’s Proposed 2023-2028 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), while also providing an opportunity for attendees to ask staff members questions about the CIP and associated projects.

For community members unable to attend this special open house, please visit the Capital Improvement Plan website page where you can explore the proposed 2023-2028 CIP, its capital investment projects, and provide feedback via email at  Please note, written feedback must be received by 5 p.m. on June 16, 2022. 

Community feedback will assist City Councilmembers as they deliberate, shape, and move towards approving a new, multi-year Capital Improvement Plan. 

“We are excited to share this in-depth plan that will shape future investments to maintain the high livability of our city,” said Mayor Katherine Ross. “We welcome the opportunity to gather public input on this important, long-term capital investment and financial planning tool.” 

About the Capital Improvement Plan: The Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) is a planning and financial management tool that helps the City of Snoqualmie identify and prioritize capital investments over a six-year period.

Based on staff recommendations, public input, and Council deliberation, the CIP establishes the scope and cost of capital investments; estimates funding from various sources; and balances both cost and estimated sources in a cohesive and efficient financial plan.

This long-term plan increases the transparency of the capital decision-making process. Given its explicit and forward-looking nature, the City of Snoqualmie can avoid longer-term adverse financial and operating surprises by creating and adopting a CIP and including projects and programs in the biennial budget. 

[Information provided by the City of Snoqualmie]

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