Snoqualmie City News: YMCA Fences Come Down & Be Ready For Some Fireworks – Literally!

Snoqualmie YMCA Lawn Update

News Flash!  The “not-so-pretty” gray chain link fences that have surrounded the Snoqualmie YMCA site for nearly a year came down late Monday afternoon.  One of my favorite citizen quotes when she saw the fences were gone was, ” It’s about time. I was just wondering yesterday morning why the prison fences were still up.”

I stopped by the Y yesterday and spoke to Dave Mayer, Snoqualmie Y Director.  He said the site has dried out enough to allow the fences surrounding the saturated lawn to come down – and employees were glad.  They think the site looks much better without the fences.

The City of Snoqualmie is in charge of the Y’s  landscape maintenance per the joint partnership agreement that allowed the Y/Community Center to be built.  Dave Dembeck, Head of Maintenance for Snoqualmie Community Park, should be out by mid-week to determine if the site is dry enough to mow.  If so, mowing will happen by the end of this week.

As I was taking photos of the YMCA yesterday, a pedestrian said, “Aren’t the flowers gorgeous?  I hope they never mow them.”  When I mentioned this comment Dave Mayer, he said that it was nice to hear, but thought this opinion might be in the minority – based on them numerous comments Y employees receive about the length of the community center lawn.  Everyone seems to agree the flowers are pretty, but the remarks that the lawn is too long.  Even after mowing, the “eco-turf” lawn length will remain longer than nearby fields, but the flowers will always grow back.

For more information on the YMCA “eco-turf” lawn visit the City of Snoqualmie informational page.

Prepare For Casino Fireworks Tomorrow, May 17th

Looking for a little pre-4th of July fireworks to light up the sky?  You just might see them tomorrow night!

The City of Snoqualmie was notified by the Snoqualmie Tribe that Snoqualmie Fireworks Supply will host a fireworks vendor product demonstration at the Snoqualmie Casino.  The demonstration will be on Thursday, May 17th, beginning around 7:45PM and lasting a limited length of time.

Within Snoqualmie city limits, fireworks can be discharged only on July 4th from 6PM to 11PM.  Because the Snoqualmie Tribe is recognized by the federal government as a sovereign nation is not subject to the Snoqualmie Municipal Code.

For more information or complaints, please contact the Snoqualmie Tribe directly at 425- 292-3759.

The Snoqualmie Fire Department will have two engines on site during the display.

Snoqualmie Y without the chain link fences

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