The Snoqualmie City Council is set to host another community open house, and this time the topic is Public Safety Services.
The Public Safety Open House happens on Saturday, February 29th, 9AM to Noon in the Snoqualmie Fire Station vehicle and equipment bay, 37600 SE Snoqualmie Parkway.
According to a city announcement, “Residents will learn about Snoqualmie’s public safety services; current service levels; police, fire, and emergency service response time goals; and the cost to taxpayers for public safety.”
For those wanting to attend with the kids – they are invited to explore police vehicles, firetrucks, and aid cars, as well as meet police officers and firefighters during the open house.
Snoqualmie City Council Members, Fire Chief Mark Correira, Police Chief Perry Phipps, and members of fire and police departments will be on hand to hear suggestions and answer questions from community members.
The city said light refreshments will also be available.

at the Snoqualmie Fire Station
Will we find out if any evacuees are being housed yet at Fire Academy?