On December 9, 2024, the Snoqualmie City Council unanimously approved the updated Comprehensive Plan, known as Snoqualmie 2044. This plan will steer the city’s growth and development for the next two decades, establishing goals and policies that manage growth while safeguarding the natural environment and enhancing residents’ health, welfare, and quality of life.
The Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA) mandates that cities and counties periodically update comprehensive plans to align with current state laws, regulations, and countywide planning policies. Snoqualmie’s last update was in 2014.
A Collaborative Effort
Snoqualmie 2044 was an extensive, two-year project that launched in January 2023. It involved a substantial public involvement plan, generating 400 public comments through open houses, online platforms, and over 40 City Commission, Committee, and Council public meetings.
Emily Arteche, Community Development Director, elaborated on the public engagement methods: “The city used in-person, open houses, electronic surveys, public meetings, email, the Planning Commission/Community Development Committee, Council Roundtables and meeting as well as social media, the City website and mechanisms to engage with the public.”
Key Findings and Reports
As part of the Comprehensive Plan Update, the City completed several critical studies and reports, including a Buildable Lands Study, Housing Needs Assessment Report, Growth Targets Analysis Study, Middle House Policy Report, Racial Equity and Displacement Analysis Report, and Parks, Recreation, Open Space, and Trails Master Plan.
Arteche highlighted some key takeaways from the public comments: “Some of the themes from the comments revolved around lack of public transit services and the need for bus service. A growing number of people commented on the desire for maintaining the city parks and addition of more parks. Others described the lack of affordable housing and that this should be priority.”
Housing Growth Target Reconciliation
Based on data from the Growth Targets Analysis and Buildable Lands studies, the City formally requested a reconciliation of King County’s 2044 growth target for Snoqualmie. The City is asking the County to reduce its housing growth target by approximately 50% due to a lack of buildable land needed to meet the target.
Arteche explained the challenges: “King County Council and the County Growth Management Planning Council along with other key land use personnel from around the County help to guide cities through a growth target reconciliation process when assigned growth targets exceed capacity within a local jurisdiction like Snoqualmie which has significant floodplain and floodway concerns and a lack of water supply to serve a significantly increased future population.”
Environmental Protection and Equity
The plan emphasizes environmental protection, particularly in response to past flooding events in 1990 and 2009, which caused significant damage to homes and infrastructure. The community’s response included mitigating future flood risks and enhancing emergency preparedness.
The Racial Equity and Displacement Analysis provided insights into policies that could inadvertently contribute to racial disparities. These findings will guide future decisions to ensure growth benefits all residents equitably.
Parks and Recreation
The Parks, Recreation, Open Space, and Trails Master Plan introduces strategies to expand recreational amenities in response to public demand. “Maintaining and enhancing parks is a clear priority for our community,” Arteche stated, highlighting the importance of open spaces in supporting residents’ quality of life.
Looking Forward
Compared to the 2014 plan, Snoqualmie 2044 emphasizes affordable housing, transportation mobility, and environmental protection. The update aligns with recent changes in state law, such as provisions for emergency housing and sustainable infrastructure development.
Mayor Katherine Ross remarked, “This Comprehensive Plan Update is something to be proud of. It represents two years of collaborative work between City staff, elected leaders, and our community. It outlines how the City will grow in a responsible way that protects our residents’ quality of life, our city, and the surrounding natural environment that defines the essence of Snoqualmie.”
For more details on the Comprehensive Plan and related reports, visit the City of Snoqualmie’s website.