The City of Snoqualmie recently announced that its annual Citizens Academy seven-week course begins Wednesday, September 11th.
There is no charge for the academy that is facilitated by city leaders, officials, and department heads. There is one class per week that gives participants an up close look at how each city department operates and meet the directors who run them.
Organizer and Snoqualmie City Clerk Jodi Warren said, “This is an informal, interactive, and fun way to learn how your city government functions and serves the public.”
Space is limited. To enroll, contact Jodi at or call 425-888-8016.
See course details below:
Welcome and Introductions – City Hall
Wednesday, September 11th, 6PM – 8:30PM
- Snoqualmie’s history and a look to the future. Presenter: Dave Battey, Snoqualmie’s Official Historian
- Consider the political perspective of city government. Presenter: Mayor Matt Larson
- Be a City Council Member or active public attendee in a mock City Council meeting.
Facilitator: Jodi Warren, City Clerk
Parks Division – City Hall
Wednesday, September 18th, 6PM – 8:30PM
Learn about Snoqualmie’s expansive parks and trails system and the people who maintain it. Take a shuttle tour of the City’s Parks facilities.
Public Works Division – City Hall
Wednesday, September 25, 6PM – 8:30PM
Explore city infrastructure, streets, water, and wastewater. A shuttle tour of the City’s Public Works facility is provided.
Police Services – Police Station
Saturday, September 28th, 9AM – 2PM
Explore the many ways the Police Department serves and protects the community. This session includes a tour of the Police Station and lunch with Police Chief Perry Phipps.
Fire Services and Emergency Management – Fire Station
Wednesday, October 2nd, 6AM – 8:30PM
Gain insights into protecting life and property and managing disasters, such as floods and snowstorms. This session is located at the Fire Station and includes a facility tour. Presenter: Mark Correira, Fire Chief
Community Development – City Hall
Wednesday, October 9, 6:00 – 8:30 p.m.
- Examine long-range planning, land use management, the Growth Management Act, and the Snoqualmie’s Comprehensive Plan, among many other topics. Learn when and how citizens can be involved in both long-range planning and project review. Presenter: Mark Hofman, Director of Community Development
- Learn about Building Code Enforcement in Snoqualmie, and fire protection, prevention, and suppression related to building inspections with the purpose of protecting life and property. Presenter: John Cooper, Building Official
Legal and Finance – City Hall
Wednesday, October 16, 6PM – 8:30PM
- Learn about the authority of cities, type of government, separation of Mayor and City Council powers, legal mandates, and open government including meetings and the Public Records Act. Presenter: Bob Sterbank, City Attorney
- Delve into city revenue sources, property tax allocation, how city services are supported, and how voter initiatives can impact the city’s budget. Presenter: Robert Hamud, Finance Officer
Graduation during a City Council Meeting: Monday, October 28th, 7PM.
Upon completion of the course, participants are presented with certificates at a Snoqualmie City Council Meeting.