Siberian Husky Archie Disappears in the Snoqualmie Valley, Sparking a Community-Wide Search Effort

On June 24, a dog owner’s worst nightmare came true for Carly Hutson. While camping, she and her dog, a Siberian Husky named Archie, were enjoying some cool down time in a very shallow area of the Snoqualmie River, not far from the Tinkham Road exit off I-90, 10 miles west of Snoqualmie Pass. 

Archie, who was extensively trained on off-leash recall, and who frequently goes camping and hiking with Carly, was suddenly missing. Like most dog owners, she thought he was nearby and would come right back as soon as she called him. But the more she called, and the longer it was that he hadn’t come back, the more concerned she became.

She and her friends immediately began searching along the river and deeper into the woods along the river. They spoke to other campers, who also joined in the search, which lasted until it became too dark to search any longer.

After a sleepless night for Carly, she knew she needed help, and in addition to reaching out to friends, she turned to social media. Soon her posts were being shared in multiple Facebook groups, and a dedicated group, Archie is Lost, was created.

Soon, people started helping with the search effort, printing large neon signs and flyers, walking/hiking the area and bringing out trail cams and drones.  While Archie hasn’t yet been spotted, hopes are still high that he will be.

While social media can be a useful tool, it can also muddy the waters a bit when everyone wants to share their ideas on locating a lost pet. While the intentions are good, sticking to proven methods is best. When these methods are followed, there is a significant increase in the success rate.

James Branson, award-winning lost pet tracker and founder of Three Retrievers Lost Pet Rescue, has a detailed list of things to do and things to not do on his website

Some of the information is surprising to most people. When you see a lost dog, you immediately want to call out their name and run to them. Neither of those things is recommended. Because there are things that seem like the right thing to do but aren’t, it’s best to let someone with experience lead or coordinate efforts.

Says Branson, “I still believe there’s a good chance Archie will be found. While he hasn’t been spotted, there are signs of him being in the area. Carly is a dedicated owner who isn’t giving up, which increases his chances of being found.”

What can you do to help in the search for Archie?

  • Poster and flyer creation and distribution
  • Boots on the ground searches – go for a walk or hike in the area he is missing.
  • Before searching, please coordinate with others searching in the area beforehand to ensure you aren’t covering an area already searched.
  • Trail Cams – there are some trail cams in the area already, but more are needed.
  • Social Media – share information in other appropriate Facebook groups
  • Donate to the GoFundMe campaign set up for Archie’s search. Funds will be used to purchase more trail cams, supplies and a dog trap. –  

For more information, please join the Facebook Group Archie is Lost.  Says Carly, “Archie means the world to me. I always say to him Archie and Mommy forever, and I can’t wait to say that to him again. I really appreciate everyone’s help so far and believe that we will find him.”

[Guest post by Snoqualmie resident and fellow wildlife enthusiast Susan Burk]

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