Search and Rescue Crews Recover Body at Snoqualmie Falls, Rescue Injured Boy from Rattlesnake Trail

Search and Rescue crews had a busy past few days in the Snoqualmie Valley, and one mission reminds us of the sometimes tough work these volunteers perform.

Team members from Seattle Mountain Rescue, along with King County 4×4 Search and Rescue and Explorer Search and Rescue, recovered a deceased man from Snoqualmie Falls on Saturday morning, April 6, 2013.

According Seattle Mountain Rescue’s Facebook page, the mission was the all-volunteer rescue organization’s third recovery in as many weeks.  “It’s a lot to ask of volunteers,” was posted regarding these somber recovery missions.

Yesterday, April 8, 2013, around 2PM, 26 volunteers from the search and rescue organizations were called back to the Snoqualmie Valley, responding for a mission on Rattlesnake Ledge involving an injured 10-year old boy.

The boy slipped and fell on the Rattlesnake Ledge trail. Crews climbed the steep trail, evaluated his condition, and carried the boy in a litter back down to a command post where he was transferred to an ambulance for medical aid.

Thank you for the incredible work these highly trained, skilled volunteers perform whenever asked.

Search and Rescue crews carry injured boy off Rattlesnake Ledge.
Search and Rescue crews carry injured boy off Rattlesnake Ledge, 4/8/2013. Photo: KCSAR Facebook page.

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