School Bond Campaign Kick-off | Chance to Learn More, Tour Mount Si High School

With just about two months until Snoqualmie Valley School Bond Proposition 1 hits the February 10, 2015 ballot, Snoqualmie Valley Citizens for Schools (non-bondsignprofit organization promoting schools in the Valley) is gearing up with a campaign Volunteer Kick-off Event at Mount Si High School, Monday, December 8, 2014, at 6:30PM.

Campaign Kick-off

Campaign Co-Chairman, Chris Alef, explained the kick-event is a way for the over 250 volunteers signed up to help with the February 2015 campaign to learn more about the bond components/details, answer questions about volunteer opportunities – AND get a tour of the high school from Mount Si Principal, John Belcher.

With bulk of the proposed bond proposed to re-build and enlarge Mount Si High, the event is an opportunity for community members to see first-hand the current building and learn what a re-built high school would look like and improve (i.e. flood-proofing, seismic and safety improvements, learning space changes, etc.) with the bond’s passage.

The $244 million Comprehensive School Bond would:
  • Build a 6th Elementary School in Snoqualmie to reduce overcrowding in all five of the district’s elementary schools
  • Re-build and expand Mount Si High School to accommodate up to 2,300 students in grades 9 through 12
  • Reinstate a 3rd middle school at the [current] Snoqualmie Freshman Campus
  • Make district-wide building repairs/improvements to school roof, heating, plumbing, safety, and security systems

The proposed bond tax rate is estimated at $1.29 per $1000 of assessed property value. For a Snoqualmie Valley homeowner with a King County assessed property value of $400,000, the tax increase would be about $500 per year or $43 per month.

For More School Bond Information

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