King County Fire District No. 27 will submit a ballot measure requesting voter approval of a levy lid lift at the November 7 general election.
If approved, the proposition will authorize the district to establish its regular property tax levy rate at $1.50 per $1,000 of assessed valuation for the first year and be adjusted for years 2-6 of the levy lid lift period by the greater of 3% or the annual CPI-U index for Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, subject to applicable statutory limitations. The current year of the maintenance and operations (M&O) levy would not be collected for 2024.

The purpose of the levy is to maintain the current level of fire protection and emergency medical services. As part of the election process, the district seeks individuals interested in participating on committees to write statements for and against the ballot measure.
These statements will appear in the voters’ pamphlet along with the description of the ballot measure. Individuals wanting to participate must be registered voters and live in the Fire District.
Submit your letter of interest to the district office by 5:00 p.m. July 10, 2023, addressed to the Board of Commissioners at King County Fire District 27, PO Box 609, Fall City, WA 98024, or email
For more information, call (425) 222-5841.