Reminder! Informational Meeting Tonight About Possible SVSD Home School Support Program – Parent Partner Program

There is an informational meeting about a new program the Snoqualmie Valley School District is exploring called Parent Partner Program, which is a home school support program.  The program is specifically for parents who want to educate their children at home, but still want support for their educational needs.

SVSD says,  “The model being considered for the new SVSD Parent Partner Program has been the basis of other successful programs in our state. It involves a parent serving as the primary instructor, while a certificated teacher manages the required Written Student Learning Plans. The initial plan is for a K-8 program.”

To learn more about the Parent Partner Home School Support Program, including an overview and a chance to ask questions, there is an informational meeting tonight, April 24th, 6:30PM at the District Office, 8001 Silva Ave in historic Snoqualmie.

Based on the number of students who pre-register for the program, SVSD will determine if there is enough community interest to begin the program next fall.  To learn more or to pre-register visit the SVSD website.  Pre-registration ends May 15th.


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