Two residents are running for North Bend mayor: Travis Bridgman and Rob McFarland. Originally there were three, but Rich Wiltshire has ended his campaign.
Rob and Travis submitted answers to three questions we posed to them. Below are the unedited responses. After the Q&A you will find bios (also unedited) and links to their websites and Facebook page for additional information.
On July 22nd and July 23rd, the Snoqualmie Valley Chamber of Commerce will also host Primary Candidate Forums. The North Bend Council and Mayoral Candidates Forum happens Monday, July 22nd at the Mt. Si Senior Center, 411 Main Ave, at 7PM. The Snoqualmie Primary Forum happens Tuesday, July 23rd, at the Club at Snoqualmie Ridge at 7PM. Both events are free.
Primary ballots were mailed this week. They must be mailed in or dropped in a ballot box by Tuesday, August 6, 201
Question 1: How would you balance growth in the City of North Bend and the rights of property owners to sell their property to developers?
Travis Bridgman: Strongly Believe in Personal and Private property Rights. Let’s enact a long term plan’ Enabling clear and precise expectations. When development effects Our community in whole ‘ We need to make sure . This is Our Town ‘ City ‘ Community. First Let’s Listen ‘ Hear ‘ Acknowledge members of Our area.’ We have some options for involvement. What’s been happening with planning and deployment is not correct and rather sneaky because some people don’t care, they just want fast money. While we want to raise ‘ invite Our Families here and Friends. Many of Us this is Our forever home and It’s time we take pride in that . Let’s clean up how we communicate. Hold people accountable ‘ in a happy productive way. Laughter and Clarity.
Rob McFarland: As your Mayor, I will support policies and land use laws that ensure our small-town feel, natural beauty, and close sense of community are in balance with thriving neighborhoods and businesses. It’s important to understand that a property owner has the right to do with their land what is permitted within the law. To manage balanced growth, it’s very important to know land use laws and work toward desired outcomes before a land use application is made.
Question 2: Do you support a potential water contract with Sallal Water Association so the city can meet its mitigation requirements outlined in its DOE water right? Yes or no and why.
Rob: An equitable contract between the City and Sallal Water Association for all rate payers would be a preferred outcome. Our collective responsibility by law is to make water available to users while we ensure that the economic and environmental health of our region is sustained.
Travis: Let’s accept the information presented’ document it and open up conversations with surrounding water sources. I Support bringing to the table all potential contracts ‘ We have additional choices We’d benefit looking into. For water and Infrastructure we need long term stable plan. The contract as written requires additional study.
Question 3: What would you do to mitigate increasing traffic and damaged roads in North Bend?
Travis: Let’s First create an Open forum for Citizens to publicly be involved ‘ Road Repairs should happen in real-time and on an ongoing basis. Our Infrastructure is Our Safety and Stability. If a member of Our City suggests a repair Let’s Fix it . ‘ Let’s Open up Picket ‘ 428th Ave NE. We have many Traffic Improvement projects in action right now. Let’s join together with State, County, and Federal to seek help with our Roads. Let’s Welcome Idea’s ‘ We are here working for Us ‘ have an idea ‘ share it ‘ We’ll listen and promote action. Goes for trails that able safe walkability too. ‘ Adaptive Mobility ‘ ADA Paths ‘ Safe Bike and child stroller paths. Let’s create ‘ share maps of optional ways to share Fun and health in and around Town. We need and welcome everyone’s input.
Rob: As your mayor, I will continue to support extensive connectivity of all our transportation options including hike/bike trails, roadside bike lanes, and a carefully managed roadway improvement plan providing multiple ways to get homeowners and visitors alike to their destinations safely and efficiently. The clear beautiful rivers flowing through our city together with the green mountainsides around us do present unique complications and challenges for our transportation needs, yet we have options to make adjustments and accommodate traffic growth.
Candidate Bios with Linked Websites (if available)

Rob McFarland: Serving on multiple community organizations since moving to North Bend in 1997, I have a deep appreciation for the diverse voices that also love and serve North Bend. Working for community in both volunteer and leadership positions throughout my service to organizations has offered me the opportunity to listen and learn. My volunteer service includes Encompass, North Bend Parks Commission, Meadowbrook Farm
Preservation Association, Snoqualmie Valley Chamber of Commerce, and the Snoqualmie Valley Schools Foundation. My current role on the North Bend Planning Commission provides invaluable insight into government policy in regard to comprehensive community planning and interlocal partnerships. I look forward to utilizing my experience and knowledge to foster and enhance our highly livable small-town community as your Mayor.

Travis Bridgman: Let’s Hear, Acknowledge and join together Us We Our
Collectively ‘ Together ‘ Bridging connections. Supporting Organizations and Local Business. Partnering with Our Surrounding Brilliance. Let’s Thrive Together. Living & Recreating and being home in Our Family Friendly Pet Safe ‘ Nature & Environmental Nourishing Healthily Home. Let’s Flourish ‘ intelligent purposeful people ‘ We can feel when people are operating with integrity ‘ honestly & willingness for teamwork. I feel a lot of what’s happened in Our City ‘ Needs Healing ‘ Personally I Apologize ‘ and humbly ask and accept Your forgiveness. Also, I Forgive You and all the people.. ‘ Let’s Document with Clarity our Hopes ‘ Ambitions ‘ Dreams & Share Our Lives we Love ‘ and call Home ‘ Let’s Clean up North Bend ‘ Streets ‘ paths ‘ Parks ‘ emotions + reputation ‘ Let’s be in charge and on purpose ‘ We are run by ‘ with North Bend Citizens vs Developers. Special Notes: I Believe in City Staff ‘ working with Us. Love Partnerships with Surrounding Area’s ‘ Strongly support Education and the pursuit of health’ safety & happiness.
Travis – please tell me you were using some problematic dictation software?