When it comes to housing developments in growing North Bend, many in the community have definite opinions: they want to see the growth managed carefully, with some saying the city should buy up land to slow fast-paced growth in the rural community.
North Bend’s population is increasing as developers approach property owners whose land is currently zoned for single and multi-family housing. Knowing the city cannot afford to buy up every large land parcel to stop housing developments, council members have been working to manage growth while also respecting the right of property owners to sell their land.
But an interesting opportunity has arisen – one that could prevent some new homes and expand a popular city park in the future.
Currently, there’s a home for sale on NE 6th Street near downtown – situated on a large land parcel adjacent EJ Roberts Park. One local resident is hoping the community will contribute and to help the City of North Bend purchase the nearly five acre property to expand the park.
According to Leila Brett, who is spearheading the fundraising effort, up until the beginning of May the property was listed for $1.25 million, with several developers interested in purchasing it. But due to the extensive costs to bring sewer lines in and down 6th Street, they all backed out.
So the property price was reduced to $679,000, with the focus on it remaining a single family residence… and it recently sold contingent, which means the buyers can’t complete the purchase until they first sell their current home.
Leila said the contingency contains a condition, though, in which the seller can accept a cash offer from a different buyer during the contingency period and negate the initial contingent sale.
The owner of the property has been in communication with city officials and Leila, expressing that he would rather see the property go to the city.
So Leila got to work, and has been involved in the possible solution, which includes three parties creating a partnership: the City of North Bend, Si View Parks AND citizens, all of which would contribute funds to secure the purchase of the property.
That’s where GoFundMe comes in. The contribution needed from citizens is $100,000.
Leila said the initial funds from all three parties would secure the land – and the effort could help increase and improve EJ Roberts Park some day, but there is no firm timeline or plans drawn up yet for the future land usage.
Right now, the key is to see if the community will donate to make this park expansion idea/option a reality – and guarantee no future housing developments on the property that is zoned Low Density Residential, which means four homes per acre is allowed.
If you’d like to find out more and/or donate to help secure the purchase of the property visit the GoFundMe page HERE.