The City of Snoqualmie has announced a public hearing slated for September 25th at 7 p.m. regarding the potential designation of the residential component of the Snoqualmie Mill property as a target area for multifamily housing tax exemption.
The meeting is set to take place at 38624 SE River Street, with a simultaneous virtual attendance option available via Zoom.
The focus of this hearing is the Snoqualmie Mill property, known as 38800 SE Mill Pond Road and currently owned by Snoqualmie Mill Ventures, LLC. The expansive 261-acre land parcel would be transformed into a multifaceted development project if approved.

The Snoqualmie Mill is proposed to incorporate multifamily residences on the upper floors of its mixed-use structures, featuring a combination of commercial, industrial, and mixed-use designations. Historically significant, the site was previously occupied by the Snoqualmie Lumber Mill, which ceased operations in 2003.
Local residents and stakeholders are being encouraged to actively participate in the hearing. “Those who are interested are encouraged to provide oral or written testimony to the City Council at the hearing,” the public notice stated.
For those who prefer to submit written comments or who wish to request copies of the draft resolution, correspondence can be directed to the City of Snoqualmie’s Community Development Department by email at or by calling 425-888-5337.
Important materials, including the meeting’s agenda, packet materials, and the Zoom link for the hearing, are expected to be accessible on the City’s official website by September 22, 2023.
This public hearing is part of the City’s effort to ensure transparency and involve the community in decisions shaping the area’s future.
Only four days notice?
Something smells, curious what was the negation like with the City to conclude that a tax exemption would be necessary and in the best interest of all residents.
But I’m sure everything will be open and transparent in the meeting.
I have to agree with Zach here.
1) For years segments of the community have complained about a lack of transparency when it comes to various governmental activities in the valley. Four days notice does nothing to reduce that level of concern, in fact can only increase the level of distrust.
2) Why should this project receive a tax exemption of any kind? Let the developers pay the taxes, they can pass them on in the purchase price/rental price of the housing and retail units. If that drives the purchase cost or rental cost too high, that’s the developer’s problem, not the city’s nor it’s tax payers.
3) Large segments of the community are concerned about the increased traffic volumes predicted as a developmnet of the mill site; residents of the proposed development heading to from I-90 via the parkway, out of town traffic headed to/from the mill site to participate in events/shopping, etc.
4) Concerns continue about hazmat at the mill site. What is the long term liability to the city for supporting development of the mill site if, at some time in the future the site is determined to be a hazardous site and the city is held responsible in some way shape or form for the impacts of those hazards?
5) Beyond that, have we seriously looked at the impact of this entire development on water rights and availability in the valley. North Bend is already dealing with water restrictions while continuing to support new development requiring additional water. Are we really sure we want to follow in the same direction and end up with the crisis North Bend is dealing with?
Think people, think long and hard.
Best regards,
Steve Haas
Snoqualmie, WA
I have to defend the city here. While I didn’t pick it up/have time for it until the 21st, the city posted it on the 13th. You can sign up to be notified when such things are posted on the city website here
Thanks for pointing out the 8 day delay on the part of Living Snoqualmie in relaying the announcement about the hearing. However, that only expands the official notice from 4 days to 12. While that much lead time may well meet the rules for public meeting announcements, 12 days is still an incredibility short period of time for folks to get organized to speak _regardless_ of their positions on various decisions the city is facing. Over the 13 years I’ve lived here the amount of angst and grumbling of the city government’s management of various projects has continued unabated. Whether the city government is right or wrong on any of these conflicts is immaterial….. What is important is city government go out of its way to provide transparency, in order to dispell any/all arguments/conspiracy theories, etc. about how the city does business. Longer lead times and better publicity would go a long way to reduce beliefs of some of those in Snoqualme that our city govermment and officials are somehow involved in “mischief”.
Best regards,
Steve Haas
Snoqualmie, WA
It was on the city calendar even earlier and twice in the Seattle Times. I will try to do better getting things up in a timelier fashion.