A public hearing is scheduled to occur at the Snoqualmie City Council meeting on May 10, 2021. It will occur at 6 p.m. or shortly thereafter.
The hearing topic is a replacement to the city ordinance establishing rates and charges for the Combined Utility 2021-2026, including water, sewer, and stormwater.
On December 14, 2020, the Snoqualmie City Council adopted Ordinance 1242 establishing preliminary 2021-2026 rates for the City’s combined utility. Council approved a 0% increase for 2021 and a 3.07% increase annually for 2022 through 2026 based on an average residential monthly bill.

Since the adoption of Ordinance 1242, the City and Financial Consulting Solutions (FCS) Group have been working to establish final rates and charges for 2021-2026 that would continue to include a 0% increase for 2021. A cost-of-service analysis presented to the City Council by FCS determined that some customer classes were paying more, and some were paying less than their equitable share of the cost to provide service. Furthermore, additional analysis found that an increase in the combined utility general facilities charge (GFC) was warranted based on changes to existing and future cost bases. The GFC is a one-time charge the City imposes on new development as a condition of service.
More information about the public hearing including a staff report summarizing the topic and reference documents can be found on the city website.
Date, Time, and Meeting Access
May 10, 2021, 6 p.m. or shortly thereafter
Hearing Notice and Meeting Access Info (Zoom and Dial-In)
Written Comments
Written comments may be submitted by May 10 at 4 p.m. to the City Clerk at jwarren@snoqualmiewa.gov or mailed to PO Box 987, Snoqualmie, WA 98065, Attn: City Clerk.
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