In a May 26th letter to city officials, the developer of the Snoqualmie Mill Site project, Tom Sroufe, requested the City of Snoqualmie extend the public comment period for the project’s Draft Environment Impact Statement (DEIS).
The letter followed a May 20th virtual public comment meeting held for the DEIS where multiple residents, along with the Snoqualmie Tribe and the Snoqualmie Valley Preservation Alliance requested extensions.
See earlier article Snoqualmie Mill Site Development moves into Environmental Impact public comment period
Sroufe said in the letter: “We feel this virtual experience was well executed and beneficial for all. We were impressed with the civility and respect expressed by most who participated. We would like to do our part to encourage continued participation by citizens and related organizations in this process.”
Snoqualmie Mill Ventures LLC, formally requested that the city extend the comment and review period on the Draft EIS an additional 29 days, from Thursday, June 11, 2020 to Friday, July 10, 2020.
The extension will increase the comment period from 45 days to 74 days, which Sroufe feels “should be more than sufficient to ensure a comprehensive review of the Draft EIS by all.”
The letter went on to say, “We hope that this extended opportunity for public review and comment will enhance the Final EIS and the public’s confidence in the City’s process. The experts and scientists that have prepared the Draft EIS look forward to reviewing and responding to all written comments in the Final EIS.”
Snoqualmie Mayor Matt Larson said the city would honor Sroufe’s request for the extension.