The Green Snoqualmie Partnership has an upcoming volunteer event that will help maintain the health of Snoqualmie’s Urban Forest.
Join your neighbors, enjoy the summer weather, and enrich the urban forests that make Snoqualmie one of the most unique small cities in King County.
Head to Jeanne Hansen Community Park, 34226 SE Jacobia St, on Saturday, July 8, 2023, from 9 – 11 am, where volunteers will offer some TLC to trees planted around the park late last year. Clearing the ground around these baby trees and applying mulch will give them room to mature and spread their roots, growing tall to provide shade for another generation.

Volunteers should bring water and wear clothes that can get dirty, sturdy shoes, and work gloves if you have them. Meet in the Jeanne Hansen Park parking lot and look for the Green Snoqualmie Partnership tool trailer. (Gloves will be provided if you don’t have them.)
The Green Snoqualmie Partnership is a collaborative effort to protect the health of the City’s green spaces.
More info, including location map & event sign-up here:
[Information provided by the City of Snoqualmie]