Police Nearly Certain Murder Suspect Found Dead In North Bend Bunker Is Peter Keller

Update 10:30am:  Suspect found dead in bunker with pistol nearby. Police moving cautiously for fear of booby traps. The body has not been identified yet, but police on scene say they are fairly certain it is Keller.

Update, 8:45AM: Katie Larson, Sergeant with King County Sheriff:  King County Tactical Team is replacing the Seattle Police Tactical Team, who were on site overnight.  Police saw lights going on and off in the bunker throughout the night.  They say they are confident that Keller is in there, but they’ve had no contact with him so far.  Their plan for today is to switch out the tactical teams and make more tactical plans for the remainder of the day.  Until police make contact with the bunker occupant, they cannot verify that it is Keller.

If you live in the Valley, it wasn’t hard to miss the police activity in the area yesterday.  King County Sheriff Deputies zeroed in on murder suspect, Peter Keller’s, location in the woods due east of Rattle Snake Ridge trailhead.  Keller is wanted for the murders of his wife and daughter in North Bend last Sunday. Two low-flying helicopters over Snoqualmie and North Bend at 6AM yesterday was the first indicator.  The King County Sheriff’s Office asked local news stations to keep their distance and coverage dark so as not to tip Keller off to them.  They worried he was monitoring news coverage with a computer they suspected he took from his burnt out home.  Students on a school bus in the North Bend neighborhood of Forrester Woods also reported seeing “army men” entering the woods with guns yesterday afternoon. By 7AM trailheads at Rattlesnake in North Bend and Snoqualmie Point Park at exit 27 were closed, blocked by police vehicles.  Police hiked into the woods and found the location of Peter Keller’s bunker.  During the investigation, Keller’s deceased daughter’s boyfriend reported that he spent most of his free time hiking the woods and that he had some sort of fort to prepare for the end of the world. Police used photos of the bunker found in a safe in the Keller’s home to pinpoint its location.  It is believed Keller began constructing the structure in 2004.  Once to the location police found a very elaborate, fortified bunker. It’s reported the structure is built into the side of a cliff, is twenty feet deep, with multiple levels, entrances and ladders.  Tear gas was shot into the bunker, but police fear it did not penetrate deep enough to reach Keller.  Deputies also worry about booby traps in the wooded terrain surrounding the bunker. The King Count SWAT Team was relieved by a Seattle Police SWAT Team last night.  Some KC SWAT members required IV infusions for exhaustion after a day in the rugged terrain.  KC Sheriff’s Office Spokesperson, Cindi West, said the scene is “one of the most difficult, that the bunker is amazingly fortified and that pictures don’t do it justice.”  It is also believed Keller has a generator within the bunker. 7:30 and 8:30PM updates last night from Komo News crews at the scene reported deputies were planning to wrap up operations at dark, but watch the scene.  They were giving  Keller time.  Waiting him out, but forceful entry wasn’t being ruled out.  A more agressive approach may happen today. Trailheads will remain closed in the area until operations wrap up.  More low-flying helicopter activity will occur today as supplies are flown into the site.  Reports say they began flying at 6:30AM.

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