Police Identify Suspects In Snoqualmie Ridge Burglary

Snoqualmie  Police have zeroed in on suspects presumably responsible for a Thursday daylight break-in in the Snoqualmie Ridge neighborhood of Deer Park.

Neighbors of Thursday’s burglary victim identified the intruder from police photos. A partial license plate number also helped police identify the suspects.  It’s reported that the owner of the blue truck spotted at Thursday’s break-in has a history of similar burglaries while working with the photo-identified intruder.

Thursday’s burglary victim reports the thieves also robbed homes in North Bend and Snoqualmie Pass.  Along with witness descriptions, photo identifications and a license plate number, Snoqualmie Police worked with North Bend Police, accessing databases, to help identify the suspects.

On local yahoo groups, numerous North Bend residents reported incidents of an unknown man coming to their doors for odd reasons yesterday.  DMV records identified one suspect as being from the Yakima area, which could explain why homes along the I-90 corridor (leading up to Snoqualmie Pass) were targeted.

Witnesses from Thursday’s incident described one suspect as in his 20’s, thin, on the tall side with an olive complextion.  His accomplice drives a “matte blue, pumped up truck with giant tires.”  If you have seen these suspects or vehicle, please contact Snoqualmie Police at 425-888-3333.

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  • That is fantastic news. BTW, unless you are talking about yet another one, it happened Wednesday night right?

  • Living Snoqualmie